Can the scented candles be lit often? Is it harmful to human health?

Depending on the gear of the candle you bought, and whether you used it correctly, the candle is not chosen correctly, and the method used incorrectly will certainly not be often lit.

From the quality of the aroma candle to judge whether it can be long-term mainly involves the following four points: wick, wax, essence, container, each point is closely related to human health.

scented candle

Aromatherapy candle wick is generally cotton core, wood core, environmental protection core 3, cotton core is the most frequently used, foreign original imported candles more use environmental protection core.

Aroma candle wax is mainly animal and plant wax, animal and plant wax after normal combustion without residue, relatively more environmental protection and health, common plant wax is coconut wax, soybean wax, palm wax, animal wax for beeswax, but good aroma candle wax base is not a single some animal and plant wax, generally are mixed wax, so as to complement each other, to ensure the stable combustion of candles.

scented candle

If you buy a fragrance candle that doesn’t have the correct fragrance composition, then you should be careful not to light it too often and stay away from yourself.

Aroma candles should not only be bought, but also burn, burning method is correct, not only make the candle more beautiful, but also can extend the service life.

Post time: May-05-2023