How to choose your first scented candle

Today, let’s talk about choosing a scented candle

So how should an excellent scented candle be chosen? What are the important parameters?

First of all, an ordinary scented candle is generally composed of two parts: the candle and the packaging.

Let’s talk about the most important point first – the body of the candle, which mainly depends on the wax, spice and fragrance used.

About wax, generally can be divided into paraffin wax, plant wax, beeswax, mixed wax, what is the difference between them?


Because resources are relatively scarce, they are expensive

Plant wax:

Natural environmental protection, low price, quality is more guaranteed, the most common soy wax, coconut wax, soy and palm wax mixed


Extracted from petroleum, crude oil and some chemical agents, the price is very cheap, but it has a certain harm to health and the environment

Therefore, I do not recommend that you choose paraffin wax or candles containing paraffin components, but suggest that you try to choose plant extract scented candles, such as soybean wax, will be more healthy, pollution-free, and burn more fully and relatively more durable.

As for spices, it is divided into natural and artificial two kinds, natural spices can be divided into plant and animal two kinds.

Plant Essential oil:

Aromatic substances extracted from plants, generally 100 kilograms of flowers and plants can be extracted from 2 to 3 kilograms of essential oils, so the real price of essential oils is not too cheap.

Artificial flavors:

Divided into full synthetic and semi-synthetic two, the production of synthetic spices is not limited by natural conditions, product quality is stable, the price is cheaper, and there are many products that do not exist in nature and have a unique aroma.

In general, the aroma quality of natural spices is high, and it is also very helpful to human health, which can play a role in refreshing the brain, soothing emotions, relaxing the body and mind, assisting sleep, regulating endocrine and other health care effects.

However, although synthetic spices as chemical products may be more fragrant than natural spices, they should not be used, otherwise they will be harmful to health.

As for the flavor, we must be very familiar with this, the general common flavor are: floral notes, fruit notes, woody notes, herbal notes, gourmet notes, eastern notes, fresh notes, spicy notes.

To sum up, choose a candle, first look at the wax quality, the most cost-effective is plant wax, such as soybean wax, coconut wax; Secondly, look at the spice composition, which shows that the plant essential oil is better.

Then is the choice of flavor, this is not good or bad, only to see whether it is suitable for themselves; Then the level of the appearance of the packaging, which is also different from person to person, as long as you like it.

Post time: Jun-26-2023