The history of candle development in China

A candle is an everyday lighting tool that can be burned to produce light. In addition, the use of candles is also very wide: in the birthday candle, is a kind of daily lighting tool, can be burned to emit light. In addition, candles have a wide range of uses: in birthdays, banquets, religious festivals, collective mourning, red and white wedding events and other important uses.

The main component of modern candles is paraffin wax, which melts easily and is less dense than water but insoluble in water. Heat melting for liquid, colorless transparent and slightly volatile heat, can smell the unique smell of paraffin. When cold solidifies into a white solid with a slight odor. It was refined from petroleum after 1800.

The raw materials of early candles were mainly yellow wax and white wax. Yellow wax is beeswax, white wax is the wax secreted by termites.

Post time: Apr-10-2023