What’s the point of lighting candles at a Chinese wedding?

Lighting candles in a Chinese wedding has a very important meaning, which is to represent the continuation of the incense. Since ancient times, Chinese people have attached great importance to the continuation of the incense, so such a link represents the family’s expectation for the continuation of the incense. So what’s the point of lighting candles?

wedding candle

One, what is the wedding candle exquisite

1, candles to choose an even number to light, representing good things in pairs. The color of candles in a wedding is red, which represents the color of happiness.

2, when the candle is lit, we can not use the mouth to blow it out, to wait for it to burn until it is not extinguished.

3, when the candle is lit, no one can touch, otherwise there will be a sign of bad luck, if the new see, will not be happy.

heart candle

Two, the specific meaning of the wedding candle

Lighting candles at a wedding has the following implications.

1. Light the candle of family

It is lit by the families of both sides of the couple. In this way, the combination of two people can bring about the continuation of the family and the prosperity of the population, and the continuation of the meaning of incense.

2. Light the candle of marriage

The bride and groom jointly lit the candle in the middle of the candlestick, a symbol of their lives together from now on, never abandon.

3. Set off the wedding atmosphere

The candlesticks symbolize prosperity, and the wedding stage is romantic and beautiful under the light of candlesticks (and floating candles).

red pillar candle

Three, the wedding candle precautions

Wedding candles should pay attention to the following points.

1. Red

More exquisite family marriage is the need to light candles, and the candle must be red, do not use white candles, that is unlucky.

2. Even numbers

According to the custom of marriage, the wedding candle is even number, most of the newlyweds in the candle, is in accordance with the specifications of two candles to light, but there are some newlyweds like 6, 8 numbers, in fact, is OK, as long as it is not singular.

3. Wax

Light the candle, the same is the parents of the couple, mainly because the parents raised their own, the most intimate relationship, of course, at the time of marriage is the most hope to get the blessing of the parents, so the parents lit the candle of love, meaning in addition to the blessing, also have the meaning of the couple to continue the flame.

For traditional customs, couples can follow the local way.

Post time: Jun-06-2023