When did the candle appear?

There are many varieties of candles, common yellow candle, ash candle, paraffin candle.

Yellow candle is beeswax

Ash is the secretion of the ash worm, which is found on privet trees;

Paraffin wax is an extract of petroleum, and the juice is collected and processed to produce the material for making candles.

The ancients used candle as a lamp to illuminate, offer sacrifices, cure diseases and print and dye cloth……

Modern people find that candle can also be used in military, industry, medicine and many other fields

Man has long used candle as a candle flame.


In ancient times, ancestors smeared animal and plant oils on branches, wormwood and wood chips, tied them up and made torches for lighting at night.

In the Pre-Qin period in the third century BC, people wrapped cloth around hollow reed tubes, poured wax juice into them, and lit them for lighting.

Ancient people used candle, in addition to lighting, to cure diseases.

During the Han Dynasty, purified yellow candle was still a rare item.

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In ancient times, the use of fire was forbidden on the Cold Food Festival, so the monarch would give candles to officials above the marquis, which proved that candles were very scarce at that time.

During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, candles were widely used among the nobility, but the common people still could not afford them.

Shi Chong, a rich man in the Western Jin Dynasty, used candles as firewood to show off his wealth.

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During the Tang Dynasty, ash wax appeared, but wax was still a valuable item, and the imperial palace also set up an organization to administer candles with full-time officials.

Candles were introduced to Japan during the Tang Dynasty.

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, wax production increased greatly, and candles began to appear in the homes of ordinary people, becoming common daily necessities for people to light at night.

With the wide application of electricity in modern times, candle has gradually withdrawn from the historical stage of lighting and become a symbol, often appearing in the sacrifice, wedding, birthday banquet, funeral and other major occasions.

Post time: Feb-22-2023